Spending 36 Hours In Vegas

Washington D.C. Internship| Summer 2018

My Sorority Room - College Dorm Tour (1).pngThis summer I moved my cozy life in K.C. to Washington D.C. I was given the opportunity to intern for PBS, and I grabbed it. Having been raised in a sheltered, privileged community I decided to take the training wheels off my life. I threw myself into a new environment completely solo. I rented an apartment, packed my bags, booked my flight and headed off.
Moving on my own was difficult at times but worthwhile. I’ve been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, and this was truly a push. Navigating the metro and D.C. landscape was empowering (it’s the little things) and I proved to myself I could do anything.
Maybe it was the different time zone or swampy humidity that is leaving me a changed person after this trip. Maybe it was the disappointment of taking an Uber with four 50 pound suitcases to the airport that is leaving me appreciative of the simple thing in life. But I know it was actively seeing the impact my degree can have on this world that is leaving me wide-eyed.

PBS has hired some of the most kind-hearted, hardest workers. Most teams only comprise of seven to nine people which manage a multitude of projects at once. Please support your local station and their constant strive for educational, diverse content. It’s an important, noble fight.

